Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fun Valentine's to give

Are you starting to think about Valentine's day! We are too. I posted a few fun Valentines you can make and give away! enjoy!
Here are a few fun Valentines to give away.

Use your child's hand print to make a card. Inside the card write: Hands down your the best or we give you a hand, thanks for the helping hand, or thanks for holding my hand.

Use an old puzzle to create a "your my missing piece" special pin for grandma or a special friend. Click here to get details. You could also have your child paint several old puzzle pieces and glue them to a frame on the pieces write " I love you to pieces".

If you would prefer you can print your own here

Use candy then fun phrases with ribbon: sucker....I am stuck on you

"Thumb-body loves you" art...have your child dip their finger in ink pads and make various stamps on a card..make the prints into faces. We've done this a lot in the past. To make it extra special send it in the mail.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Family time

Family time can be hard to find between work and school. Dan has every Wednesday off and we try to dedicate that to family time. A friend of ours uses every Friday night as family night. There are many things that can make this time unique, but mainly it is about being together. Playing games, walking, baking, doing good deeds, watching a movie, etc. This is a good time to capture memories.

The biggest challenge is to take advantage of everyday moments. This is really challenging for most of us, but I read this great post and thought I should share. Click here to read for yourself.

Now go be with your children!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Everyday traditions

Some traditions revolve around the holidays, but some of my favorites are the things you do everyday. The things that are more routine than traditions. Things like;
books before bed, blessings before the day (we are working on really adapting this to our bedtime routine, each night we pray a blessing over our children), breakfast verse of the day, horse ride to bed, and so much more. Do you have any favorite daily tradition?